Ever since my ‘brownie-quiche gal’, Kainaz Nunes, immigrated to the UK I have been searching for the perfect brownie. I have to say, having had brownies made by Kainaz, the bar is set very high. (Kainu, you will always be my ‘brownie’ girl <3 ) I happened to see a review for brownies at a Facebook group and decided to give them a try. After a Facebook Messenger interaction with Fadila, (the lady who bakes the brownies), I confirmed my order for two varieties: half a kilo of Chocolate Brownies and another half kilo of Chocolate Walnut Brownies.

The Brownies arrived, before lunch, at 1330 hours. They were packed in a simple cake box but, the box was beautifully done up with a bow and a card. I wanted to dive into the sweetness immediately but stopped myself as I needed to photograph them. Clicking photographs when all one wants to do is dig one’s teeth into the product is the toughest thing we food critics have to endure. Sigh! But it was worth the clicks as they turned out to be ‘write up’ worthy. :)
As soon as I was done photographing, I decided to skip lunch and go straight to dessert. I gently picked a walnut brownie with all the love and tenderness that I could muster and lovingly bit into that warm, exquisite yumminess. After months I was, once again, back in brownie heaven and all was right with my world.
brownies were decadent and sinful. Actually both adjectives are bloody
understatements. They were all that and more! The chocolate frosting, liberally,
slathered over the brownies was a sheer delight. Most bakers tend to over bake
the brownies which makes them dry and lifeless from within. These were not so.
They were moist, gooey and fell into the category of, ‘There is no way I am
stopping at one’. I then picked up the Chocolate Brownie. This was just as
ambrosial as the one with the walnut. I do prefer brownies with walnut, though,
because they lend an intermittent crunchy texture and also help to cut through the
constant richness that permeates the palate. These babies are a must-try for
chocolate lovers!
Brownie venture is known as ‘The Brownie Corner’. My understanding of the name is a tad different, and for that reason I feel the venture is aptly named. The
deliciousness steadily 'corners' our hearts, leaving us wanting for more. I asked
Fadila whether she was planning to extend her menu and venture into the realm
of other bakery products. She mentioned that she planned to stick to what she
knows best: Brownies. I love it when home chefs are confident and grounded enough
to know what they excel at and stick to what they do best; as a ‘Master’ rather
than a ‘Jack’.
I cannot thank you enough for the fudgy decadence. It made my day! I wish you
the very best in your ‘brownie venture’. May the Brownies corner the hearts of
all those who bite into their goodness with as much love as the love with which
you bake them.
Fadila can
be contacted on: +91 8408978652